Salamatu Ibrahim

Salamatu Ibrahim

Deputy Grants Coordinator

 Brief Description of Personality: I would describe myself as a smiley and jovial person who loves to be around positive-minded people. I sometimes enjoy my own company, which enables me to think through and make decisions for my future self.

Current Occupation and Roles: I am currently a research assistant at the Bacteriology department of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Ghana. I'm working on MRSA and ESBL-producing bacteria from surgical site infections. I consent to patients from hospitals, take samples, and transport them to the lab for culturing. I also investigate water samples brought from various sites in the city for potential AMR bacteria.

Advice to Young Students Interested in STEM: I would encourage all young students interested in STEM to continue believing in themselves and know they always have the chance to fill in the gap in science. There are lots of problems out there, and your little touch of contribution can make a massive impact on solving those problems. STEM is fun too.

Fun Facts/Hobbies: When I’m not doing science-related stuff, I go into my entrepreneurial world. Browsing for things to import and sell. Aside from that, I watch movies and read lots of novels.
