Janet Afuaa Ameyaw

Janet Afuaa Ameyaw

Media and Communications Coordinator

Brief Description of Personality: My nature is a mix of quiet and talkative. I become a lively conversationalist when engaged in topics that captivate my interest. Otherwise, I'm the observant type, always curious and noticing even the subtlest changes in my surrounding. I am known for my unwavering values which allows me to navigate both professional and personal spheres with authenticity and integrity.

Current Occupation and Roles: I work as a Part-time Tutor at Nyaniba Health College. I teach Elective Biology and Integrated Science. Additionally, I play a pivotal role as a teaching assistant for Human Anatomy and Physiology.

Advice to Young Students Interested in STEM: STEM is all about making the world a better place through continuous learning. One of the ways to learn is to ask good questions. Good questions challenges existing answers and examine the known territory. This helps us advance into the unkwown which will propel the world into new innovations to improve our lifelihood. Established knowledge helps us solve yesterday's problem. Tomorrow's problems will be solved with tomorow's knowledge. I will encourage aspiring sceintists to always ask relevant questions and never stop learning.

Fun Fact / Hobbies: You will often find me enjoying episodes from America's Got Talent during my leisure periodes. On some days, I visit palces on my bucket list just to satisfy my curiosity.
