Nana Yaa A. Appiah

Nana Yaa A. Appiah

General Secretary

Brief Description of Personality: I would describe myself as approachable, always wearing a smile, and a firm believer in never mixing business with pleasure. I take every job I do seriously to ensure productive outcomes.

Current Occupation and Roles: Currently, I am employed as a research assistant at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Immunology Department. In this role, my primary responsibility is to run laboratory assays, analyze the results to generate reports, and go to the field as a phlebotomist.

Advice to Young People Interested in STEM: To all the young, aspiring minds interested in STEM, I would tell you that in whatever field you would like to pursue in STEM, find a mentor (not someone you admire from afar but someone you can talk to) who has the knowledge to guide you in every stage to reach your goal. Put hard work into following your passion and never give up.

Fun Facts/Hobbies: When I am not immersed in science, I am up and about attending art shows, poetry shows, and exhibitions, as well as going to the theater to watch a good play. It's a great way for me to relax and regroup.
