Maame Ekua Oforiwaa Ofori

Maame Ekua Oforiwaa Ofori

Deputy Logistics Coordinator

Brief Description of Personality: I am a calm, quiet individual who prefers working behind the scenes of any operation. I am also a good team-player and enjoy working with other people and learning from them. However, I am assertive and can make difficult decisions when the need arises. I am also focused and work until I see the desired results.

Current Occupation and Roles: I currently work as a research assistant with the Molecular Biology lab (Antimicrobial resistance group) of the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP), University of Ghana. My main roles involve management of general lab logistics (reagents, consumables), coordination of lab activities such as lab meetings, outings and some projects. I also assist in supervising master's students, undergraduates and interns.

Advice to Young Students Interested in STEM: You are not too dumb to be a scientist. You are as smart as you need to be, so far as you have curiosity, resilience and love a good challenge. Don’t discount yourself because other people do. Always believe in yourself, work hard and enjoy the science you do.

Fun Facts/Hobbies: If I were not a scientist, I would have been either a ballerina or a 4X100 relay runner. I love athletics- watching it from a distance and have always been a good dancer. Currently, my main hobbies are reading books and playing Monopoly.
